Corbin Intervention Hub
225 E 900 S Provo UT 84606
(385) 666-5327
Nowadays, drug rehab centers have achieved remarkably high levels of sophistication. At these facilities, clients receive the treatment they need to transform their lives and create new opportunities for themselves. Besides helping individuals, our substance abuse treatment facility in Provo, Utah creates solutions that indirectly benefit entire communities. After all, people who overcome addictions prove able to hold down steady jobs, pay taxes, and otherwise participate in society as full, contributing members. Every drug rehab facility in our network employs staff members who deeply care about the comfort and success of all our clients. With compassion and adequate skill, these professionals guide people through some of the most challenging and crucial periods of their lives.
When you enter an addiction recovery center in our network, it is quite possible that you are seeking help during the midst of a personal crisis. Whatever the nature of your addiction and struggles, entering a rehab is tantamount to entering a supportive environment where you can feel safe and appreciated. From your initial intake interview with a caring staff member, you’ll be treated as an individual, not a statistic. All too often, public figures and popular media stereotype addiction problems in unhelpful ways. Rehab staff members are educated enough to know that almost all people with addiction issues are decent, ordinary people who deserve professional help.
Your intake interview is a low-pressure, informal meeting. This meeting is important because it lets rehab staff know how they can best serve your needs as an individual client. With the help of our friendly rehab employees, you will be asked to answer some questions about your life, your situation and the problems you need help addressing. It is wise to approach your intake with a spirit of total, unvarnished honesty. Bound by privacy rules and high standards, each Corbin Recovery rehab must keep all of your information in the strictest confidence. Many people with addictions learn to isolate themselves and hide their addictions from others. In the supportive and safe rehab environment, people relearn how to share their innermost thoughts and feelings.
After intake is completed, you may need to enter our on-site drug detox clinic. In the contemporary era, each outstanding addiction recovery center features an detox clinic for the benefit of its patients. Depending on the exact nature of your addiction issues, you may or may not need to go through the detox. Our detox center is a quiet, professionally supervised environment where you can begin your healing process. Unlike other phases of treatment at the Provo addiction recovery facility, detox typically doesn’t entail interaction with others. Instead, this multi-day experience is devoted to allowing your body naturally cleanse itself of any toxic chemicals.
Once detox is complete, you’ll start working an individualized, tailored recovery program. The addiction treatment center experience features a combination of group sessions and one-on-one counseling meetings. In a safe and monitored environment, you’ll connect with other clients and relearn your capacity for forming healthy relations with others. Because many people with addictions forget how to be social without drugs or alcohol, this is an important step towards rebuilding a healthy lifestyle. Rehab staff work with clients to develop concrete, individualized treatment plans. Although your rehab plays an important role in developing sobriety, leaving the rehab opens an important new phase in your addiction recovery program. Throughout rehab, you can relax knowing that you are in a safe, monitored environment. This peace of mind lays the foundation for your success in addiction recovery.
Once you leave the addiction treatment facility in Provo, Utah, you’ll continue many of the recovery activities generally associated with rehabilitation. Outpatient, post-rehab classes cover the same topics as rehab programs. In these classes, people learn strategies for coping with the difficulties of life without resorting to substance use. One large part of addiction recovery is learning to deal with triggers, which are environmental stimuli that can stir cravings within recovering individuals.